merrill's life ):
♥ Thursday, March 15, 2007 ♥
i know i've been posting v little and so my tagboard is becoming v stale ): but i appreciate those who actually do come down to this empty blog to tag! it shows that either you do care what i think... or you're jus a bugger with too much time to waste. o_o

i've been reading the picture of dorian gray for lit crp and it's seriously a gay book. and i don't mean gay as in difficult, i mean gay as in... gay. the book should be renamed the picture of dorian gay. or the picture of durian gay (sounds kinda cool, like a superhero! woohoo!). i mean there's a part where durian gay touches the arm of this man, whom i presume will be called rambutan gay or smth, and tells him 'let our friendship be a caprice' (i have no idea what a caprice is but i hav this feeling i don't really want to know, i might have to consult ding) and then... durian gay blushes. if that is not gay enough for you, you're probably a gay yourself. it's not that i hav something against homosexuals but the escapades of durian gay is not something i wish to completely immerse myself in -_- unless, of course, i hav a major sex op lined up for me... which i dont. ee. jus realised durian gay sounds kinda like 'captain underpants'. wth.

and i think slau is being very mean to alot of ppl who dont deserve it. lol. -_- ya most of the ppl he's mean to are nice, with the exception of a few like maybe jinghua, and kinda deserve to be well-liked. slau is nice but sometimes a bit... overreactive. i mean, yiksin is actually a nice person. if you ignore the fact that he was tryin to be a poser (for your information, im not a poser) and you ignore the external factors and jus look at his personality, it's actually not too bad. ya so slau... might want to be more accepting towards others! i mean it's fine to be mean. it's even pretty fun sometimes. but when i'm mean, i don't necessarily hate the person im suanning; i suan jotham alot but i think he's a great guy cos he's actually v nice to me when i need help. maybe he's just... confused. i suan peng alot cos he's an idiot, but he's another guy(s) whom i know is nice. i used to dislike gan, but after a year, he's actually not as bad as i thought. maybe we don't understand that being mean (as in downright mean and hating that person) could be really hurtful and insensitive and cause the person alot of emotional distress... but sometimes we should just keep our opinions of others to ourselves. it's really not too difficult to be nice if you're willing to change. i find it pretty difficult sometimes, but i think i've made less enemies and more friends. accepting others really preserves alot of friendships. and after a while... you'd get used to it anyhow. unless that person is seriously a retarded freak like jinghua, then he should be sent to a lab to be soaked in acid everyday or smth. if he were standing next to a stone, we'd probably think the stone was the smart one. that bloody fag.

zzz going to tzeern's house for english project. hope it doesn't turn out the same way as going to slau's house for lit... we spent 6 hours + doing lots of crap and didn't even touch our project. okay fine maybe we did. touch it, i mean. we touched the rubrics too. we tried to touch the screen when we played d.o.a and got badly owned by hitomi T_T like 20-0 or smth so we kinda gave up after a while. bloody hell, that hitomi is a crazy b!tch lah she kept kicking our character's... nether regions. wa lao damn unfair. we couldn't really do the same thing back to her -_-

wow what a long post! i'll try to update more often. and can somebody tell me how to put music on my blog? o_0

yesterday seems so far away

♥ Friday, March 09, 2007 ♥
hahahaha another post wa lao my posts are becoming weekly o_0 wth. but this week had duno how many tests so i actually not alot of time. this is going to be a really short post.

we beat acsi!
we beat marists!
next match: hwa chong

i didn't perform well in the marist game so i am pretty pissed off and def going to put 1100% for the hci game if not really buay tahan alr. >< and wa lao somebody stepped on my shades, wth -_- cb.

another strange thing daniel, aka the mainstream, aka winner of the mr inside-out-condom 2007 contest said: if you turn the condom inside out, you can use as sock. this is disturbing on many levels, including size of not only foot but... ya. if you think about it, actually the idea itself is pretty disturbing anyway o_0

and something strange kevinlim said in response to my idea of 'catch the javelin' and 'header the shotput ball' for pe lesson was: we can also play medicine ball! we throw the medicine ball into the other guy's balls then it'd hurt so much, he'd need medicine for his balls. 0_o what. the. heck.

hehehe and on thursday we shouted 'WHO DOES SHIHAO LIKE?'... 'AMANDA!!!!' but i really hav no idea at all who amanda actually is. but it's fun to mess up our junior's life. serious. go try with your own.(:

today's pe lesson was damn screwed cos bentay's team played pretty violently and i got quite pist at some point and really wanted to ram someone but i didn't do it cos hiok said smth like 'wa lao merrill don't look so menacing la'. bentay did some screwed up tackle shit which injured slau's ankle and denied it after that. Will stood behind our defense and said stuff like 'theres no rule against me standing here drooling spastically and in general being a prickhead'. edmund pulled jorel's arm & whatever strange shit and jorel cried o_o as in really cried, no shit la. wtf guys... what the heck is wrong wif you all. i think the next time anybody tries to pull some violent shit (especially going for people's legs) im going to walk over and give him a punch right in the face. k that sounds pretty contradictory but sometimes it really pisses me off, especially when it's a game within our own class. especially ppl like bentay should be extra careful cos he's quite violent in almost any game we play like floorball or soccer but he doesnt realise that the only reason he's getting away with it and not getting majorly bashed up is cos people like tzeern and me don't really want to hurt or injure anyone. -_- ppl plz realise that not everyone doesnt mind playing rough.

if it were a real match, i'd join in and bring the person down but we must remember that in our class where everybody's kinda close (not the ding - gareth kinda close but you know what i mean) we should try to minimize injuries we inflict on each other >< even like onto peng or jorel.


that's all (:

yesterday seems so far away

♥ Friday, March 02, 2007 ♥
okay been a pretty long time since i posted but with all the ccts and whatever sht i really didn't hav time! hope my blog doesnt die so fast x_X.

4Q a lot of ppl hav started playing gameboy and this trend was started by a particular moron called jonathan neo who bought a gameboy sp and pokemon fire red and brought it to school, and was quickly followed by idiots like ajay and (the biggest one, figuratively and literally) SLAU. i call slau the biggest idiot is because he now he cant stop playing the freaking gameboy and is like hardcoring in class and crap like that. and his pokemon keep beating the crap out of marrill. i find that really shitty >:0 i think marrill should pwn everyone else. dammit.

slau asked smth like 'how to fish!' then kevin said 'grab a rod.' then everyone started laughing. then kevin said 'seriously, ppl will giv you rods. the first rod is old rod cos it's from an old man. second one is good rod cos its from a good man. next is super rod cos it's from superman!!' i was like AHHHH -_- WTH @)#%*@%!! kevin is seriously full of retarded shit like that. he was like 'i bet steve jobs has alot of siblings' and started providing examples (for those who're too dumb, think about two-word phrases which end with job.) kevin also told me some pokemon's 'vital throw' meant grab the guy's vitals and throw, so i asked him if 'gentle throw' meant grab the guy's genitals and throw. he said 'ya, gentle is probably some bad japanese translation of genital anyway.' what the heck!!!1! today i said 'shudup you malaysian' then he said 'shudup you merrillsian' and i found myself at a loss of words as to what to counter that unique reply. shit.

then there's always jorel, who is a a piece of retarded shit. (note the difference between this and kevinlim) he said 'yes!' when i told him 'jorel i'll beat you at every test, except probably a stupidity test.' after that he thought about it for a few minutes and said 'NO!!!'. immediately after that he started laughing, and banged his head against the wall. -_- some chink in the evolutionary ladder is to blame, i guess. then today he wanted to say 'are you deaf!?' and it came out as... *drum roll*... 'IS YOU BLIND!?' 0_0!!! WTF!!! he gets stranger and stranger everyday. he even grabbed nat's boobs, and that is already really disturbing. as in. would you grab a guy's boobs. -_- not to mention that they are... triangular and jiggle when he runs. okay maybe not jiggle, more like flap up and down with wet slapping sounds (yucks). okay i thnk i dont need to say more.

wa lao today i spend one chem lesson at hiok's bench and i've realised he is damn pro. i.e. damn pro at randomly swearing whenever smth happens. today he shouted 'i never bring my worksheet to the lab! what the fk!!!' when our chem teacher was standing right in front of him. mr koh gave him some funny look and didn't say anything. i get this strange feeling our teachers hav given up on us. i was mugging SS during math lesson and mr teo walked over and asked 'MERRILL WHAT ARE YOU DOING' and i said 'reading ss notes, sir.' he looked at me and said 'i can see that.' then he walked away. o_0 v good. either our class has lost all hope within the teachers, or their bodies have been taken over by aliens who are apparently very nice. and are clueless as to what certain swear words mean. *nudges daniel lee*

wa lao the post damn long alr. i continue some other time. just some food for thought...

`Çhanky; between now and then, till i see you again. says:
i haf 6 black nipples ):

yesterday seems so far away

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merrill lee
softballer (9)
loves: softball, making noise in class, drawing & stuff.
hates: um. i'll figure that out.

tze ern
thomas ang


February 2007
March 2007
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August 2007

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